Pam’s “it won’t happen to me” attitude has finally caught up with her. Even though her mother was recently released from the hospital for emphysema symptoms and she has read the warning labels on cigarette packages, Pam’s disease—COPD from smoking tobacco—is as classic as it was unnecessary.
Each year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) compiles statistics on the leading causes of death each year. Chronic lower respiratory diseases (CLRD), primarily COPD, accounted for 139,833 deaths (the fourth leading cause of death) in 2017. Luckily, Pam’s COPD can be managed and as a member of her healthcare team, you will develop a care plan to ensure that Pam does not succumb to an early death. With the other members of Pam’s care team, use the myStation® PowerPoint presentation to develop a care plan that reviews her information, but also helps her become healthier and manage some of the effects of COPD.
In addition to Pam’s story, the following resources may be helpful in developing the myStation® PowerPoint presentation: